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tv   ABC2 News The Latest at 11  ABC  August 12, 2013 11:00pm-11:35pm EDT

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they should get in the truck many day now. >> reporter: and when they're items still didn't arrive they got more run around. and a company spokesperson told us they do their best to meet windows but it's tough in their busy season. and spokesman says those complaining a tiny fractions of thousands of orders they hand. >> you see the money coming in. question is where is that money going. >> reporter: a bounced paycheck. it this one recently from a sports 55 account for just $385. didn't clear. getting rejected by the bank. he claims his bosses would off a smaller amount of cash to get him flu, promises that sounded familiar as the ones given to customers. >> i'm very disappoint in the company. the owner of the company because i think they need to do right but they are joust far in the hole they don't know how to
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get out. >> reporter: abc 2 news. we asked company spokes about the bounced check and his said his lawyer instructed not to comment. muggy and rainy tomorrow. as we look in the possibility of storms moving in. chief meteorologist with us now. what can we expect? things changing already as we look out there this evening. a couple of showers just west of the state. clouds have spread the area. not nearly as much sun. in fact just the opposite. a lot of humidity. that will help fuel some showers and storms as early as your morning commute. in fact you're going to it see a significant line of active weather out toward detroit. much of that is pushing our way and ahead of that line we'll see probably an early round of showers tomorrow followed by a more significant round toward midday. so an active future radar picture plan for rain. keep the umbrella handy.
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we'll talk more about how things unfold straight ahead. the hospital technician accused of causing a hepatitis c outbreak that spanned many states has reached a plea deal. as part of the agreement he will avoid criminal charges here in and why as well as in kansas and georgia. he's accused of injects himself with stole sir rings them swabbing them out with syringes using with patients. tonight, howard county police looking for a man who was mean is someone's yard naked. spraying himself with a garden hose. police say it happened yesterday on thomas edison drive. once he was spotted police say the man may have got spoon a silver suv and drove away. this comes just two days after a woman out for a jog in columbia near stone cloud and major's lane had her breasts grabbed by a man from behind. she told police he was dressed
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like a jogger. anyone with information about either incident asked to call a police at 401031-stop. a football game leads to a shooting in the street. this happened in northeast brake light more. -- baltimore. a 14-year-old the victim. >> reporter: people who live ho if fman street aren't giving up. they're out walking police. it this follows a midnight shooting where a 14-year-old girl and another woman were shot in a drive by. the girl was shot in the leg and a bullet grazed women's arms. both victims were in the street playing noon someone in a silver car drove by and started shooting. we caught up with people not afraid to go outside on their porch. >> not how often does one time it takes too many times. we don't want to live in a world that's, you know, got hatred in it like that. we should be loving one another. not killing one another.
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well, a prayer circle gathers every monday which is good times today. and a local minister asking people to join them for a day of hope on saturday, august 24th at coldington square park. the goal is to connect people with services in the community include free school supplies and to address a crime they have witnessed. if you have any information on that overnight shooting, you're asked to contact police. sheryl conner abc 2 news. new development tonight -- about the man accused of kidnapping 12456-year-old girl. they say he fired his rife before he was killed. hannah annerson was reunited with her family today. four people on horseback spotted hannah and her 40-year- old accused of kidnapping her in idaho. they say the teen was wearing pajamas and carrying a cat. she appeared scared and just kept looking away. they called police after seeing the be alert on tv and over the weekend the fbi
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hostage rescue team found delaware imagine geo's campsite. they say he murder the teen's mother and brother. >> for my daughter the healing process will be slow. she's been through a tremendous horrific ordeal. >> ordeal. they say -- [ inaudible ]
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saying the nwypd consideration against performance african- american and latino was widespread. drama scandal. dark history. that's how the current executive described the last year's of john lee's administration and its impacts on a county police department. that's why a few months ago she asked for an independent review. that blue ribbon panel was headed by former baltimore city police commissioner and today the panel released its finding. there was ten recommendations that include better pay for higher ranks. a more transparent and reresponsive internal affairs bureau. but the real game changer was to hire a new chief to stabilize the department and the current hire -- was the right move. >> i had a lot of nate chief davis. but having a chief, having a
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chief in there that's beginning to be around for a little minute is important. that's an important first step. also said the panel is recommendations had mostly do to with the department. how the rank and file officers in the department are doing a fine job. the controversial to develop a huge section of air harbor has take and big step forward. christian shaffer has been following the satisfactory. >> reporter: baltimore city promises more than $100 million in public borrow to jump start the project. opponents say that could do a lot of good in other parts of city but they were dealt a defeat by city council. the leader of the opposition to more than $100 million of texas increment -- also got a tip with karl stokes. he pulled no punches tonight. >> this is probably the worst piece of legislation i have ever seen. >> but supporters include the
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mayor say the project on a now vacant side will create hundreds of jobs and bring hundreds of millions of dollars back to the city. in new tax revenue. mike the beaty was also a major force in redeveloping the upscale harbor east area. >> i think a lot of people oppose it now coming and saying, you know, what? that was a pretty good project. >> and he dismissed environmental concerns about the site where chrome was processed and a manufacturing plant for more than 100 years. >> my officers are there. my kid goes down to the site. there was chrome all around baltimore city. we know exact will why you are. there is a process how you go and build on. >> reporter: the tip will pay for streets, park and other infrastructure. including the head quarters of xlonn corporation. the city wants to borrow and spend more than $100 million. there are other neighborhoods
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that need it much more than the inner harbor. >> it's going to be great for the development. it's not going to be such a benefit to the rest of the city. >> reporter: don'ts vote was 11- 3. henry and stocks and -- voted against it. the final votes expected to come next month. live in the news room. abc2 news. been a rough night for anyone on i-83. northbound i-83 has been a mess all night. it's smoothing pretty smoothly now but it was really, really ugly earlier tonight. traffic was about to a halt after 7:00 tonight. apparently a cement truck overturned in the northbound lanes turning the traffic basically into a parking lot. there it is from earlier today. it is just not moving at all. apparently something from the cement truck spilled all over the highway.
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fortunately the driver wasn't seriously injured. then later tonight, what we're looking at was a second accident as crews were trying to clean up the truck accident. so that's why traffic was not moving on the other side. we are working for you with the latest traffic as it happens during that commute. good morning and why starts at 4:30. keep it right here. now on abc2 update. on the fan who through that banana during yesterday's game, no video of the incident. but alexander fatlats, is now telling the news he through it toward the field in disgust at giants near the end of the game. the banana through right by adam jones who treated about it after the game. he tweeted, i'll put the bleeps in. i want to thank whatever [ bleep ] through that banana toward my direction in the center field in the last
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inning. way to show your class, brien. throwing a baa in -- banana. the giants say that will don't investigate the incident. is it safe to have that glass of wine or cup of coffee when you're expecting? one mom says sure it is. coming up tell you why she's telling moms not to worry about that long risk o of the dos and don'ts. >> plus the invitation, decorations and goody bags. kids birthday parties have gotten expensive. we'll show you how to out there perfect party without breaking the bank. ened anding an active weather -- and active weather day tomorrow. straight ahead.
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this summer, new york state is back and open for business. with endless beaches, hundreds of miles for hiking...or biking. endless rivers and streams ready to take your breath away. and more than enough wineries to please every pallet. we're ready to make your new york state vacation perfect. there's never been a better time to vacation in new york state. plan your vacation at the new state of new york. welcome. in tonight's health alert, you know the list is long when it comes to all the dos and don'ts when you're expecting. but does it really have to be? the a mother who's been there
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and done that is challenging that in a book, expecting better. comed through hundreds of pregnancy studies and says there are wrong conclusion. having a few cups of coffee a day is no problem and neither is a glass of wine a day. but many dystimbria. >> there is no amount of alcohol in pregnancy that should be considered safe. anything the mother ingests goes through the play ten that to the fetus. >> says moms can take or leave her advice. could your child's tom my aches be a warning -- tummy aches be a warning of mental health illnesses in more than half of those experienced an anxiety disorder as young
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adults. and kids with chronic stomach aches were two and halftimes more likely to be depressed. in your money tonight. a child's happiness is priceless. and so m parents will go all out for the birthday part -- party. but can be a real expense. kiplingers personal finance says parent can save money even before the party starts. let the kid make their own invitation or send via e-mail. keep food and cake simple. another thing you can do at home for les and don't go overboard on party favors. a fun activity can be a take away guests make themselves. one expensive trend, candy buffets. >> people are picking and choosing a few colors and designing a candy display. and skip the roller rink and play center and incoming your child in the party planning can also be a learning opportunity.
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you can teach them about budgeting costs. so while you're out shopping for party favors and your kids back to school supplies. consider picking up a few extra for kids in need. teamed up the -- jr. foundation and the young school for our annual school supply drive. we're collecting all of the essentials at donations sites inner every community and for a complete list just head to abc2 slash school supplies. tonight the let cross helping vacation -- red cross is helping vacationers who lost their belongs after the resort crashed into a sink hole. three story villages collapsed into a huge sink hole and all the guest were able to get out of building safely. no one injured. security guard relationship chard stanley an been on duty about 5 minutes before he was
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coordinating the evacuations. authorities are investigating what caused sink hole. they say about 48, 3 story units are a total loss. inspectors trying to determine if two other buildings will be safe to reenter. fast moving flood waters in colorado moved cars stuck on the highway like they were toys. the ten foot deep water also ripped up roads as it rushed through a -- about 30 miles ab hour. a 53-year-old man was killed. a woman swept away last scene clinging to a tree has been found alive. several drivers trapped in this muddy, muddy thing had to be rescued. more severe thunderstorms expected this week. and now from abc2. and why's most accurate forecast. start off with look ahead to tomorrow. and the thunderstorm risk is headed higher. slight risk for severe storms on the eastern shore as you
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work into the afternoon and a slight risk or general risk from baltimore west ward. a lot of us may be focused on first half of the day. especially looking at some our late evening computer runs. right now, not a lot of action. just a little bit of early shower activity popping up. maybe a very weak thundershower. we take the radar gets more active by your early morning commute tomorrow and certainly through the mid-morning into midday. we think things are going to get quite a bit more active. in fact by 8-9-10-we could be lacking at significant downpour. even if it's not that heavy. looks like at least some rain. and then right through lunchtime scattered showers and thundershowers being indicated and then into the afternoon commute. maybe some lingering activity southern maryland or down here. after that bedo expect to clear out rapidly into tomorrow night. any showers or storms that linger are probably going to be south and east of the immediate baltimore. look at some of the rain totals. they may approach over an inch
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in spots. we'll see. how everything shake out. some part of our state likely to get a heavy down power. you can get that instantly in the palm of your hands. if you haven't downloaded it at y ipadres, iphone. good time to do it right now. it'll pin point exactly where you are and it told you what the warning -- and tell you what the warnings republican. not the best of the day to be on the lakes. maybe some light day clearing. out toward westminster. and maybe even out in howard would be -- county be able to get a late nine hole round in. for now, thicks quiet through the overnight howevers. probably definite decent time getting to sleep here. don't expect any thunderer to rumble quite yet. but that could change into the day tomorrow. we topped out today around 90 degrees. even places like eastton you were well into the upper 80s. humidity high. heat index still high. still feeling like mid-80s here
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and the summer humidity back in force. and it will fuel and aid and abet thunder showers maybe we'll get some fairly gusty thunderstorms too in spots. and you can see that humidity very high through the day tomorrow but we expect to drop midweek into the end of the week and be much more pleasant around here. just have to get through the day tomorrow. see things already ramping up. this is our main frontal boundary. slow to move and there's an outflow. kind of a little stationary front. but our main front is on the move coming out of the upper great lakes and behind that will be the pleasant dry air. we'll get to enjoy as we go beyond tomorrow. a mild change. actually temperatures be a couple degrees below average in the midweek. soover night, 71, shower, thunder shower, certainly lingering especially east of the bay. but clearing tomorrow night and in the next few days, after tomorrow, it's all good news.
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upper 70s. sunshine, drier conditions, and we think of reinforcing shot of dry air as we go toward the end of the week into the weekend. we'll be back with much more that have.
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geico's defensive driver, enginegood student andke 13. multi-policy discounts could save you hundreds of dollus. engineer: uh geico's discounts could save you hundreds of "doll-ars." it sounds like you're saying "dollus." dollus. engineer: if you could accentuate the "r" sound of "dollars." are...are... arrrrr. arrrrr. arrrrrr. someone bring me an eye patch, i feel like a bloomin' pirate. geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. honestly, i feel like i nailed that.
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check out the show. meteor shower is under way. the annual celestial firework show peaks monday and tuesday
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as earth passes through a dust of come met's tail. duncan shaw took this picture in da. if you're hoping to catch aglimmer glims -- grandmotherrens your your best chance after midnight and before sun rise. ñ
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♪ ♪ looks like you started to make something. ♪ oh, a green! ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] cheerios. with flavors your heart will love.
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happy birthday! it's a painting easel! the tide's coming in! this is my favorite one. it's upside down. oh, sorry. (woman vo) it takes him places he's always wanted to go. that's why we bought a subaru. (announcer) love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. and you know what i walked out with? [ slurps ] [ dad ] a new passat. [ dad ] 0% apr. 60 months. done and done. [ dad ] in that driveway, is a german-engineered piece of awesome. that i got for 0% apr. good one, dad. thank you, dalton. [ male announcer ] it's the car you won't stop talking about. ever. hurry in to the volkswagen best. thing. ever. event. and get 0% apr for 60 months, now until september 3rd. that's the power of german engineering.
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all right. we're going to leave you tonight with a look at jfx. slow moving traffic. if you can avoid the area, stay away from. the latest tomorrow at good morning and why right here at 4:30. ♪
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♪ turn around ♪ every now and then i get a little bit hungry ♪ ♪ and there's nothing really good around ♪ ♪ turn around ♪ every now and then i get a little bit tired ♪ ♪ of living off the taste of the air ♪ ♪ turn around, barry ♪ i finally found the right snack ♪ ♪ ♪ i finally found the right snack ♪ try new fiber one peanut butter protein bars.
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i wish i was made of money. i wish you were too. chances are, you're not made of money. so don't overpay for motorcycle insurance. geico motorcycle. see how much you could save.
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>> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live"! tonight -- liam hemsworth. from "kick ass 2," chloë grace moretz. and music from the national. with cleto and the cletones. and now, when all else fails, here's jimmy kimmel!
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: welcome to the show. my name is jimmy. i'm the host of the show. thank you for coming. thanks for being a part of this amazing -- that's very nice. [ cheers and applause ] tonight is the night i celebrate my love for you, guys. [ laughter ] hey, you know, it's back to school season. a lot of kids went back to school today. which to me seems crazy. to me summer isn't over until the tv shows come back, right? when i see a new episode of "2 broke girls," then i'll go back to school. [ laughter ] i'm not in school so, i'm never going back to school. most schools here in l.a. started today, which means there are a lot of pictures of kids wearing backpacks on facebook this morning. [ laughter ] i was a shy kid, and i know that
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going back to school, especially to a new school, can be scary, but i do have some advice, and i think it's good advice for kids, and that's this. be yourself. and if that doesn't work, be someone cooler. [ laughter ] try to be selena gomez and everything will work out just fine. guillermo, were you popular in school? >> no. >> jimmy: you were not? >> no. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: not at all, huh? >> no. i was always quiet. >> jimmy: were you in any clubs or anything like that? >> no. >> jimmy: did you play on any teams? >> oh, yeah. just soccer. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you were on the school soccer team? >> yeah. >> jimmy: you were? >> yeah. >> jimmy: oh, all right. and then did you have friends on the team? >> yeah. like four or five. >> jimmy: really? do you keep in touch with any of those guys? >> no. a long time ago. >> jimmy: that's a great story. [ laughter ] well, here's a group of kids that are squeezing every drop of fun out of summer vacation. last week we showed these guys doing a pretty great synchronized basketball trick shot in their pool. and the video got so much attention they followed it up
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with an even more elaborate stunt. [ cheers and applause ] pretty good, right? maybe, possibly the most impressive thing a guy in a pair of speedos has ever done. [ laughter ] since the olympics, right? president obama is enjoying sports this summer, too. the obamas are vacationing in martha's vineyard right now. the president's been playing golf. and he was photographed in this position either golfing or taking a zumba class. [ laughter ] first black president, my ass. [ laughter ] and in sussex county, delaware on saturday they held the world series of softball. this is an international tournament for girls aged 14 to


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